Born in Seoul, lives and works in Brooklyn, NY


1994. Pratt Institute MFA, Sculpture,Brooklyn,NY

1989. Sangmyung Women’s University BFA, Seoul

Selected Solo Exhibitions

2025. (forthcoming) Jennifer Baahng Gallery, New York

2022. Wings of desire, Jennifer Baahng Gallery, New York

2021. Wizard of Oz, Jennifer Baahng Gallery, New York

2019. Thin Red Line, Gallery MoMo, Tokyo

2018. Thin Red Line, Marisa Newman Projects, New York

2017. Build Up, Hanmi Gallery, Seoul

2015. All in the Game; Art of Jaye Moon, Brick Lane, Seoul

2015. Play things in Modernism, Gallery MoMo, Tokyo

2013. Breaking the Code, Gallery MoMo, Tokyo

2013. Sangdang Fortress, Cheongju Creative Studio, Cheongju, Korea.

2012. Breaking the Code, Newman Popiashvilli Gallery, New York

2012. Luminous, Gallery MoMo, Tokyo

2011. Fountainhead Studios, Miami, Florida. New Work

2008. Contained, Newman Popiashvilli Gallery, New York

2007. Modern LivingMax Estralla Gallery, Madrid

2005. Portable Living, Newman Popiashvilli Gallery, New York

2003. Simply Connected, Stuben Third Gallery, PrattInstitute, Brooklyn, NY.

Selected Group Exhibitions

2024. The Brooklyn Artists. Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY. Selected by a committee led by Jeffrey Gibson, Vik Muniz, Mickalene Thomas, and Fred Tomaselli

2024. Transpacific:Love Difference, Jennifer Baahng Gallery Hannam, Seoul

2024. Transpacific:Perfect Lovers, Jennifer Baahng Gallery Gangnam, Seoul

2023. Pink, Jennifer Baahng Gallery, New York

2023. Picasso, Welcome to America2023, Jennifer Baahng Gallery, New York

2022. Garden of Delight, Jennifer Baahng Gallery, New York

2022. A View from the Mountaintop, Rockefeller Plaza, New York. Curated by NYFA

2022. Line, Gallery MoMo, Tokyo

2020. Touch, Marisa Newman Projects, New York

2020. The Future of Silence: When your tongue vanishes, Nam June Paik Art Center, Yong In, Korea. Curated  by Yeonseo Kim

2019. WorldPride/50 Stonewall 50, Lisa Project NYC, New York. Curated by Wayne Rada

2017. Cityscape, Gallery MoMo, Tokyo

2017. Dynamic Size, Belsky Museum of Art, Closter, New Jersey. Curated by Stephanie Lee

2017. The City of Homeless, Yunsle Art Museum, Gimhae Arts Center, Gimhae, Korea. Curated by Hong Kyun Mok

2016. Discovery of Space, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art,  Gyeonggi-do, Korea. Curated by Ga Hye Yoon

2016. The City of Homeless. Arco Art Center, Seoul. Curated by Hong Kyun Mok

2015. Roppongi Art Night 2015, Tokyo Midtown Plaza. Tokyo

2015. Hang Together, Pratt Institute Library, Brooklyn, New York. Curated by Robert Carabay, Maria Uroose

2014. Lineage of Vision, Korean Cultural Service, New York. Curated Kyung Hee Pyun & Hee Sung Cho

2014. Mobile, Popiashvilli Gbarberids Window Project, Tbilisi, Georgia. Curated by Irina Popiashvili

2014. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Gateway Project / Newark Pen Station. Newark, NJ. Curated by Jessica Jampol, Jasmine Wahi Curator

2014. Tree Grows in Museums, Queens Museum, Queens, NY. Curated b Kyung Hee Pyun

2014. Shades of Time. Queens Museum. Queens, NY. Curated by Kyung Hee Pyun

2014. Shade of Time, New York Korean Cultural Center, New York

2013. NYFA Public Art Project, Duarte Park. New York. Curated by David Terry

2013. Come Together by Sandy Storm One year to survive, Dedluss Foundation / Industrial City, Brooklyn, NY. Curated by Phong Bui

2011. Bravo Rearity Show- Desperate House Wipe, Home of Alex McCorve and Simon Van Kempen, Brooklyn, NY. Curated by David Terry

2010. Objects. Pelham Art Center, Village of Pelham. NY. Curated by David Terry

2010. Expressions, Jamaica Art Center, Queens, NY. Curated by Sinae Kim

2009. Textile Art, Daegu Art Center, Daegu, Korea. Curated by Il Ho Park

2007. Fashion Meets Art, Macy's, Herald Square, New York. Curated by .Gabriel Briarers

2007. Dichotomy, Korean Cultural Center, New York. Curated by Elgar Wimmer

2004. Opposite, Suite 106 Gallery, New York

2001. Rebellion of Space, Dumbo Art Center, Brooklyn, NY. Curated by Wakas Wazahat

1999. Outerbrough, White Columns, New York. Curated by Paul Ha, Laura Ross

1988. The 14th Independants, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Korea, Gwachon, Korea

Residency / Award

2025. NYFA Inductee in Visual Art, Hall of Fame, New York, NY

2020. NARS Foundation Studio Relief Program Residency, Brooklyn, NY

2018. Popnami! Residency, Munich, Germany

2012. Cheongju Creative Studio Residency, Cheongju, Korea

2011. Fountainhead Residency, Miami, Florida

2009. Bric / Rotunda Gallery Residency, Brooklyn, Nay

2009. New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship Awards (NYFA), New York, NY

2009. AHL Foundation 6th Visual Art Award, New York, NY

2006. Pollock Krasner Foundation Grant Award, New York, NY

Selected Collections

SeMa - Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Gyeonggi Do, Korea

Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, New York, NY

21st  Century Hotel, Louisville, Kentukey

Café Royal Hotel, London, UK

Lutter Private Equity Seoul, Korea

Nexon, Paju, Korea

Takeo Obayashi Collection, Toklyo, Japan


2025. Publication, Korean Middle School Art Text book by MiraeN Publisher

2022. Review, Whitehot Magazine by Paul Laster

2022. Article, The Korea Time by Jinhye Kim, New York, NY

2022. Interview, Meer by Hyewon Yi

2019. Interview, Laura Flanders Show

2019. TimeOut New York, NY

2019. Review, Brooklyn Street Art by Jaime Rojo & Steven Harrington

2019. Review, Artnet Editor’s Picks, January issue

2018. Interview, SCASA Magazine. July issue

2017. Interview, Artnet. January issue.

2017. Review, Art Fund. January.

2017. Review, FAD Magazine. January.

2016. Review, Art in Culture, Aug. Issue by Kiyoung Peik

2016. Review, Wolganmisool, Aug. Issue by Byung Hak Ryu

2016. Review, Misoolsege, Aug. Issue by Hye Su Han

2015. Interview, TKC TV, Tenafly, NJ

2014. Interview, News 12 Brooklyn TV, Brooklyn, NY

2013. Review, Huffington Post by Priscilla Frank, New York, NY

2013. Review, Brooklyn Street Art by Jaime Rojo & Steven Harrington, Brooklyn, NY

2013. Publication, “World as canvas” by Garry Hunter, London, UK

2012. Review, Huffington Post by Jaime Rojo & Steven Harrington, Brooklyn,NY

2012. Review, Art in America by Brian Boucher, New York,NY

2012. Review, Art in the Air by Benjamin Sutton, New York, NY

2012. Interview, Street Art NYC. Noted Artist by Lois Stavsly, New York, NY

2012. Review, Art Nerd NY by Lori Zimmer, New York, NY

2011. Review, Brooklyn Street Art by Jaime Rojo, Brooklyn,NY

2011. Invisible Interviews by Ellen Yustas K Gottlieb, New York, NY

2011. Interview, IFC Icones Presented by Scion by  Andrew Grant, New York,NY

2010. Review, Queens Chronicle by Willow Belden, Queens, NY

2010. Review, The Queens Courier by Jessica Lyons, Queens, NY

2009. Article, News Week (Korean Version) Magazine  by Hyunjung Seo, Seoul, Korea

2009. Article, Prattfolio Magazine, The Fall Issue by Adrienne Gyongy, Brooklyn,NY

2009. Article, The Korea Daily,The June Issue by Sook Hee Park, New York,NY

2009. Article, The Korea Times, The June Issue by Won Young Park, New York,NY

2008. Article, The Korea Times, The October Issue by Won Young Park, New York, NY

2008. Article, The Korea Times, The February Issue by Jinhye Kim, New York, NY

2007. Review. Publico, The November Issue. Madrid, Spain

2007. Interview. Telemadrid TV Channel, “De Formas” by Baruc Corazon, Madrid, Spain

2007. Review. ARTEYPARTE, Madrid, Spain

2007. Article. The Korea Times, the November Issue by Jinhye Kim, New York, NY

2007. Article, The Korea Times, the October Issue by Jinhye Kim, New York, NY

2007. Article, The Korea Times, the October Issue by Jinhye Kim, , New York, NY

2007. Article, The Korea Daily, the October Issue by Sook Hee Park, New York, NY

2006. Review. Art in America, the March Issue by Brian Boucher, New York, NY

2006. Interview. Voice of America Washington DC by Jiyoung Boo, Washinton DC

2005. Article, The Korea Times, the October Issue by Jinhye Kim, New York, NY

2003. Review,  Artforum.Com, the August Issue by Lori Waxman, New York, NY